Virus Total API


In order to use the VirusTotal API, you will first require an API key. These are free to get and can be obtained by signing up to the service here.

Once you have your key, it needs to be set as an environment variable.

If you’re using CI, then see refer to the relevant CI document section in these docs for examples of how to achieve this.

If either –ips, --urls or --bincheck are called as arguments (in any combination including all three at once), then the VirusTotal API will be queried for information on the following:

Public IP Addresses

If –ips is passed as arguments, anteater will perform a scan for public / external IP Addresses. Once an address is found, the IP is sent to the Virus Total API and if the IP Address has past assocations with malicous or malware hosting domains, a failure is registered and a report is provided.

An example report can be seen here.

If you wish to whitelist an IP address, make an entry into your ignore_list or project specific ignore_list:

  • ‘’
  • ‘’


If --urls is passed as arguments, anteater will perform a scan for URL’s. If an URL is found, the URL is sent to the Virus Total API which then compares the URL to a large list of URL blacklisting services.

An example report can be seen here.

If you wish to whitelist an IP address, make an entry into your ignore_list or project specific ignore_list:



If --bincheck is passed as arguments, anteater will send a hash of the binary to the Virus Total API which then compares the binary to an aggregation of Virus Scanner results. If no existing report is available, anteater will send the complete binary file to Virus Total for a new scan.

If you wish to whitelist an binary, make an entry into your ignore_list or project specific ignore_list:

  • 609feaed93afbea14c6b10c6effc986f39d1deb0a372ac088129bb22bbca8834
  • Note: The sha256 checksum showed above, will be outputed in anteaters logs when it finds a binary.

Rate limit

Use of the public Virus Total API requires a rate limit of no more than three requests per minute, unless you have use of a private API account.

Public or Private can be set within the anteater.conf file, and anteater will then use the appropriate rate limit:

vt_rate_type = public

The values are public for the public API, and private for the private API.

Redis is requried for rate litmiting as means to track global rate requests.

All that is required for the Redis set up, is the installation of Redis and running redis with its default values.

The Dockerfile will deploy redis for you. Refer to `installation`_ for more details.